Carmel Napier
Lying Is Acceptable Say Police
More Home Office Lies Exposed
Do brutal attacks on women by their husbands or boyfriends surge during
the World Cup? According to a May 25 press release by England’s
Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), “cases of domestic abuse
increase by nearly 30% on England match days.” Prof Christina Hoff
Professor Sheila Bird ... found it [the Home Office Study] to be so
amateurish and riddled with flaws that it could not be taken seriously.
Never, ever, ever believe any of the 'abuse' figures emanating from the
UK's Home Office or ACPO (The Association of Chief Police Officers). They
always do their very best to drum up as much abuse hysteria as possible in
order to maintain their cosy empires and their huge pensions.
And they send the lower ranks of police officers scuttling around all
over the place at the beck and call of any woman who even hints at
'relationship abuse'.
Women's personal rottweilers - with helmets.
What a waste of their times and their talents.
When the BBC investigators presented Carmel Napier, the deputy
chief constable of Gwent, with the evidence that the study she and her
colleagues were promoting was specious, she replied: “If it has saved
lives, then it is worth it.”
This emotionally-inflammatory empty-headed remark from a feminist is a
typical example of how the abuse industry operates. It is a remark that is
made in order to stun people into silence so that they no longer question
the dogma.
And, as a tactic, it works extremely well.
After all, people do not want to come across as uncaring towards
Whenever I hear such a remark in the real world I often reply as
follows, "Hmm, yes - which is why I think that women should be completely
covered up whenever they leave the house."
I pause.
At this point, people look at me as if I'm mad. "What on earth has this
got to do with anything?" they think.
"After all," I then continue; "if this saves just one woman from being
raped, then it's worth it, isn't it?"
Of course, women would never accept that they should all cover up so
that, perhaps, being raped could be avoided.
men are expected to put up with all sorts of
curtailments and restrictions
But men are expected to put up with all sorts of curtailments and
restrictions of their rights and their liberties on the basis of the fact
that such curtailments and restrictions might prevent something bad
from happening to a woman.
Indeed, this notion that men - all men - can be treated unfairly -
sometimes atrociously - in
order to reduce the probability of something bad happening to a woman
has been used time and time again as a major justification for
prejudicing against men all our laws
to do with relationships.
But the idea that women should somehow be restricted in order to
prevent something bad from happening to themselves - or, indeed, to anybody
else - is
never discussed or entertained.
Women must be left completely free and untouchable to do as they
And in the case above, we see a very senior female police officer,
Carmel Napier, admit to being quite
happy to promote false statistics in
order to demonise men in order to, allegedly, save lives.
So. Please get this into your head.
This VERY SENIOR police officer is ADMITTING that she is HAPPY for LIES
which DEMONISE MEN to be PROMOTED in order to maintain her campaign
against domestic violence.
And so when you read some of my articles which reveal just how
malicious and dishonest are so many senior government officials when it
comes to 'gender issues', perhaps you will more likely realise that I am
not exaggerating.
Indeed, they are lying through their teeth on virtually every issue that I have
investigated - with serious consequences for men.
But can you imagine what would happen if a senior
male police officer said that he was
quite happy to see being promulgated false
and elevated
statistics about the rates of female crime?
He would be fired within the day.
Furthermore, I know that many of you will find this difficult to believe -
presumably, because you are honest souls - but the truth of the matter is
The left - and particularly the feminists and the politically-corrected
- mostly believe that it is perfectly acceptable to lie all the time;
because, in essence, the truth, and the consequences for others, are far
less important to them than is achieving their
own aims - which, for the most part, are decidedly self-serving and
it is not just feminist police officers who lie all the
Thus, it is not just feminist police officers who lie all the time, but
also feminist academics, politicians, journalists, columnists, judges etc
etc etc.
And they continue to get away with it.
Oh well, I suppose, if it saves just one woman from domestic violence,
then it's worth it, isn't it?
But what, exactly, is the 'it' that is, allegedly, 'worth it'?
What, exactly, is being sacrificed in order to save 'just one woman
from' something or other?
And the answer is 'absolutely nothing' - unless you happen to be a man;
in which case, not only will you have to put up with all the totally
unwarranted demonisation of you that will be shunted out all over the land
and into the minds of just about everyone - including your loved ones -
through posters, TV adverts and 'news' items, but you will also have to
put up with all the suspicion and the anti-male laws and policies that
usually follow from all this.
And these will all be drummed up on the basis of the LIES (and, hence,
the hatred towards men) that people like
Carmel Napier
are happy to promote.
And while you will continue to hear, over and over again, the refrain,
"Well, if it only saves one woman from something or other,
then it's worth it, isn't it?"
... you will never hear ...
"Well, if it only saves one MAN from something or other, then it's
worth it, isn't it?"
Finally, it seems to me that if senior police officers and other
government officials are quite happy for men to be demonised and for LIES
to be spread about them, then men should feel quite entitled to do the
same to them - in retaliation.